School Sponsorship Program: Our TeachersOur missions work in Hinche, Haiti, would be nothing without the dedication and hard work of the teachers at the CPOD. For years, lacking adequate sponsorship and aid, these teachers worked for months, even half-years, with no pay. Their love for the children, hearts for Jesus, and their dedication to the education of their community, lead them to work for nothing, alongside Pastor Lavaud. In January of 2012, thanks to the consistent efforts of our Ministry Partners and our Missions Sponsors, and the life-giving dedication of our Board and our Student Sponsorship Supporters, the CPOD School, for the first time, began paying the teachers in full for every day of work they've given to the children. We at VOC celebrated with great rejoicing when this was reported at the Board Meeting. Shouts of praise could be heard all around ~ We almost danced... No, really. We are so grateful to each loving heart that has given of its own time, possessions, and finances, in order to take care of our teachers as well as the students. Thank you! You have changed the lives of thousands of children and young adults in need.
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